Saturday, July 17, 2010

Order By Does Not Always Guarantee Sort Order

A week or so ago, I saw an interesting question on the MSDN SQL Server forums and I thought it would make a great blog post.  The forum question asked about an Order By clause that does not guarantee sort.  The query was really two queries merged together via a UNION.  The OP noticed that when UNION ALL was used the sort order was different than the same query using UNION, even though an ORDER BY clause was used.  If you are familiar with UNION and UNION ALL, you know that UNION has to perform a distinct sort and remove duplicates, while UNION ALL does not.  The query plan between the two queries is identical, other than a sort vs. a distinct sort.

Here is a small scale repro of the problem.


IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#t') IS NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE #t(id INT, col CHAR(1),col2 BIT);


SELECT id, col, col2
FROM #t 


SELECT id,col,col2
FROM #t 
ORDER BY id, col

SELECT id,col,col2
FROM #t 


SELECT id,col,col2
FROM #t 
ORDER BY id, col

id          col  col2
----------- ---- -----
1           a    1
1           a    0
1           a    1
1           a    0

id          col  col2
----------- ---- -----
1           a    0
1           a    1

As you can see that the order of col2 is not the same between the two queries. The root of this problem is I am using columns that contain duplicates in the ORDER BY clause and col2 is not included in the ORDER BY clause.  I can never guarantee the order of the “duplicate” rows because I cannot guarantee how the optimizer will build and execute the query plan.  In this example, the UNION query sorts by all columns in the select list, which includes col2, while the UNION query does not. You can guarantee that the order will be  id, col, but the col2 value order may vary between executions.  You will need to add col2 to the ORDER BY clause to guarantee the sort.

SELECT id, col, col2
FROM #t 


SELECT id,col,col2
FROM #t 
ORDER BY id, col, col2

SELECT id,col,col2
FROM #t 


SELECT id,col,col2
FROM #t 
ORDER BY id, col, col2

id          col  col2
----------- ---- -----
1           a    0
1           a    0
1           a    1
1           a    1

id          col  col2
----------- ---- -----
1           a    0
1           a    1

I thought this was a good reminder to all that even with an ORDER BY clause specified, the order of the rows may not be what you expect.  You have to use an ORDER BY clause and make sure all the columns you want to sort by are listed in the ORDER BY.

Until next time happy coding.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Breaking the Print character limit

I got some grief regarding my SQL Meme post about PRINT. I specifically stressed that I believe PRINT needs a make over because its inability to handle max data types,  I know I am not the only person out there that feels this functionality is a bit antiquated. In this post, I will provide a great alternative to PRINT.  I have been using this method for the past year or so to print really long dynamic SQL.  The concept is very simple.  Instead of printing the dynamic SQL to the messages tab, I will be converting the dynamic SQL to XML.  XML is a great alternative because it keeps the formatting and can hold up to 2 GB of data.  The key component here is naming the column [processing-instruction(x)].  This column name [processing-instruction(x)]sends special XML instruction allowing the text to be converted, along with any special characters.   It should be noted that whatever value you put in parenthesis will be incorporated in the XML tags, in my case “x”.

Let’s have a look at how this works.

SET @sql =
    CAST(REPLICATE('a',5000) + CHAR(13) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) +
    CAST(REPLICATE('b',5000) + CHAR(13) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) +
    CAST(REPLICATE('c',5000) + CHAR(13) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) + 
SELECT [processing-instruction(x)]=@sql FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE


Pretty simple right!!! There really is not much to this technique.  It is very simplistic and gets the job done.  If you find yourself getting aggravated with makeshift PRINT solutions, come on over to the dark side and get your XML on.

Until next time, happy coding.